Friday, October 17, 2008

Gravity vs. Laptop

In the recent battle between Gravity and sensitive electronics in my laptop... Gravity won.

There was an extra surge of gravity, the golden retriever who thinks she is a lap-dog wagged her big tail, all while I was juggling the new baby and the laptop in separate hands.... The laptop hit the floor with a thud. It was all over. The hard drive was damaged.

My husband the geek was able to salvage some important documents and photos and things, but I lost a ton of stuff. And had to wait a good long time, over a week, to get my new hard drive.

Good thing I had a brand new baby and lots of company to keep me distracted! Or I think I would have internet withdrawals. Remember the old days when we didn't get online at all? Wow, what did I do?

Now that I have a new hard drive.... I'm back online! Yippee!!! This is what you missed while my lappy was recovering from its drop to the floor:

We had such a good time when my mom and sister were here. Lots of company popped by, which was nice. And we had a few outings. Gracie was spoiled rotten and so was I. Libby didn't miss out on the spoiling! My mom and sister totally cleaned my house and got me all caught up from my 9th month of pregnancy laziness. The place looked great!

Now that I'm on my own again, its building up. Mom, Patty, Come Back! I have a pink load of dirty laundry that needs you!

Being on my own with the little ones... oh, boy. What a challenge! My husband is back to work, my girls are back in school and its just me and the little girls lately. Doesn't sound like that big of a challenge, but it is. I haven't taken Lexie to school yet, her dad had to pick up the morning duty. She's been late every day this week so I think I'd better get back to my morning mom taxi services very soon!

Little Bitty Baby Princess poops like a big stink bomb! Just thought I'd share that with ya. I've been wiping it off of her neck, armpits, knees and everything in between. Several times a day. She usually likes to explode right when her big sister is having a meltdown over some silly toddler thing. Otherwise, it's been going great!

Sleep deprivation is taking a toll. I am having trouble remembering things, making decisions, remembering things, understanding stuff, etc. I'm getting about 4 or 5 hours of sleep per night and day, but its not in a row. Longest stretch of sleep I've had since Libby's birth was 3 hours. That only happened once, but I have had a few periods of sleep that lasted over 2 hrs. Mostly I get an hour or two here and there. Yawn.

As long as I feed, change, and keep her big sister from squishing her with hugs, I guess I'm doing ok. I know I'm feeding her fine because she gained over a pound already! As of today, she is 8 pounds and 9 oz. At three days old she had dropped a few ounces and was 6 lbs 15oz. So, she's made great progress in growing.

Changing her is no problem. Except that she is a very poopy girl. My husband got over 300 diapers from someone he works with. They were freebies from the hospital where this co-worker of his lives. The story behind the free diapers as I understand it is.... the hospital was throwing them out because the coupons on the packaging expired. Well, I'm not one to turn my nose up at diapers that are a wee bit too old! They are exactly the same thing that I buy in the store. Score!

Wait a minute, wasn't I just going to tell you about her 2 week checkup? Did I mention that sleep deprivation is getting to me? She's growing well, has clogged and maybe infected tear ducts, newborn congestion, an umbilical hernia, and her belly button wasn't healing nicely. So, she has a prescription ointment for her eyes, saline solution for her congestion, and she got silver nitrate for her belly button. What an appointment!

So, that's the update. Most of it. Just to recap.... Laptop lost its battle with gravity, baby is healthy and growing, Gracie is still a two year old and acting like one, all my company is gone. Now we are trying to find our new "normal". Lets hope it includes a little more sleep.


Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I can't fathom the sleep deprivation. It's great you had so much help.

Are you taking the semester off?

Wolfpak5 said...

I would love to come back, but I'm not doing pink laundry again. Sheesh. Your routine will get back to "normal" soon. Glad to hear that all of you are doing ok without me.

Alicia said...

i was wondering what happened to you! glad to know that sleep is the thing you don't get with baby #4! I can't wait to see new pictures.

I sure hope we get to go back to Cali soon! I wanna see this new princess myself.

we have been busy too! so i totally understand! Hope that all the kinks in your routine get fixed soon!!

Kate said...

Glad to hear from you! I had figured that you were a tiny, tiny bit busy. =)

desirae said...

I'm glad everything is going well... Well except for the no sleep, the pink laundry, the poop, the labtop, the daughter lateness, the throes of toddlerhood... At least you got a weeks worth of free diapers!!! (High five..) Hope you start getting some more sleep.... (Make the hubby throw the laundry in the wash!!!)