Monday, November 10, 2008

Irony and Porn

I watched a movie yesterday afternoon. It's an older one that everyone else has seen twenty times by now and I finally got around to catching it. I watched Mona Lisa Smile. I really enjoyed it. I love those feminist empowerment movies! Lets be more than subservient housewives! Girl Power!

When the movie was over I got up and did the dishes, cooked dinner, swept the floor, fed and diapered the baby. How ironic.

Late last night, I dove into a new book. Getting Mother's Body by Suzanne-Lori Parks. It is a relatively new book, just published five years ago. It's an assigned novel for my class that I'm taking. I opened it up to the first page of the first chapter and Whoa! This is pornography! Graphic description. My eyes stung.

I kept reading.


Kate said...

So, I guess it's official that I'm the last person in the world to see that movie. I'll have to check out that book... ;)

Wolfpak5 said...

I saw that movie quite a while ago with Mom. It was fun listening to her comments about that era, she lived it. I read an excerpt from that book and Wow. I will have to read your copy when you are done or else check it out at the library.

Alicia said...

WOW!! haven't read that book. you will have to keep us all updated.

Living With Cavemen said...

Sounds like a good book! Glad you finally saw Mona Lisa Smile. That is a good show.