Thursday, December 4, 2008

Libby's Last Day of College

Today was my last class for this semester. The only thing left is the final exam. Libby was excused from the exam so she won't be tagging along when I go take that on Tuesday.

Libby started college at 3 weeks old. Now that she's 9 weeks old, she finished! Her education is off to a great start. She listened to the lectures, watched a film, and participated in class discussions. She not only filled her brain with knowledge, she filled her diapers in class too!

Ever heard of the "Freshman Fifteen"? Libby didn't miss out on that experience either. She is now 15 pounds! That six weeks of academia filled her out like a whole year of beer and pizza to a first year dorm resident.

Today the professor told her that she gets an A!

Now, if mommy can just pull a C or better.... that'd be great.


Kate said...

I think it's so great that Libby's already been to college. Look at you setting a good example. Sounds like a fabulous grade is in your future, too.

desirae said...

I'd be telling everyone she was a genius, had already been to college and finished.. (See if you can get her an honorary diploma)... Hope you got an A too!!!