Saturday, July 10, 2010

I won!!!

I won! I won! I WON!!!

I don't get to say that very often, so I'm saying it with lots of passion while I can.  I clicked "Like" on a facebook status from my favorite local little bookstore and won a $10 gift card for the store.  Not like I had to do anything showcasing my multitude of talents, it was just random.  All the same, I'm pretty excited! 

Knowing me and my love of owning my own books (never did like giving books back to the library), I will most likely spend more than $10.  I'm kind of like that I guess. Not sure where I will put any more books or when I will have time to read anything, but I will sure have fun buying something new.


Kate said...

Congrats! That is very fun!

I like having new books around even when I don't have time to read them. Someday I will...

Mmom said...

Congratulations!!! Is that Libby helping you pick out something good?

Julie H said...

I could have used that gift card. I spent $35 on "required summer reading books" for Jess today!