Katie is better. Her stomach flu may have been food poisoning. Nobody else got it and she recovered. Yay!
Lexie is better too. She's eating again and she doesn't need her pain pills anymore. Her 2 week long spring break ends on Monday and I think she's ready to go back to school.
Gracie is over her sinus infection. She's got a new hobby. No, not skinning her knees, that's always been one of her favorite things to do. Now she likes to draw. On everything! My house has turned into Gracie's art gallery. There are drawings on nearly every wall and the floor too.
I had a lot of college stress these past 3 weeks. I have sworn to never go full time again. It's crazy. I have a lot of projects to do including research papers and tons of reading and one "creative project". I will sew something for that. There are 5 weeks left and the pressure is mounting.
Questions and comments from my blog readers:
Gracie is so cute in that dress. did you cheat and go buy her one?? Yes. I totally cheated! I cheated on Halloween too and didn't sew her a costume. I've been cheating a lot lately. I got Gracie's easter dress last year right after Easter - it was on clearance! BRU had it on the clearance rack for $8. Can't beat a deal like that. Maybe I'll make her a dress next Easter.
Now get off the computer and read poetry (wait, am I talking to you or to myself?).
I have had my fill of British poetry! Gah! Will it ever end? Oh, yes, it will in 5 weeks! Woo hooo! I thought the Victorian Era poetry was kind of strange, especially the poem where the guy strangles his lover with her hair. Creepy!
Mary, never forget that some day you will long for these times.
Thanks but.... I'm not so sure I'll ever long for green snot, puking, and tonsil surgery all at once, topped with research papers and poetry and midterm exams. I'm just not cherishing these times. I do cherish zillions of other things though. My daughters are wonderful, and I love being their mom. Couldn't have a luckier job than this! But, lately, things have not been what memories are made of. The kids are better so my blog will be happier. I promise!
popsicles.. (I'd blend up some greenbeans freeze it, and try to trick her.. But that's me.. Save it for a day, when she's cranky, and driving you crazy.) Green been popsicle.. Mmmmm....
That's a great idea! She hates veggies, and so does my Miss Gracie. I should try to trick those two! We've gone through a ton of popsicles this past week because the whole family has been enjoying them. I have to restock - good stuff! I'm never eating popsicles at your house though... scary!
Happy Birthday!!! Darling photos.
Thanks everyone who posted Birthday wishes and said nice things about the photos. Just when I was thinking to myself "wow, I can't believe she's two years old!" she laid on the floor and pitched a fit. Yup, she's terrible two!
i love your friday follow ups!! i am so tired right now that I don't think i could do that if i tried!!
you are an awesome mom! Our vacation to your neck of the woods is back on, so I am for sure gonna stop by in july. Ruby thinks that gracie's pics are her!! It's a riot!!
I found the twos to be much easier than the fours. We called them the "fearsome fours." We feared we would not let them make it to five!
Wow, are you busy!
Funny, when I first started my blog (not that long ago!), I was thinking about doing something to follow up on my posts so I'd remember what happened. I haven't done it yet, but the name I came up with was Friday Follow Ups, too! It was the only thing I could think of that was cute and catchy, but I'm obviously not as creative as I thought I was ;)
Anyway, surfed on over from Dawn's blog. You made a comment about thinking that maybe you made the wrong decision regarding kindergarten but that it worked out in the end. Would you mind sharing more? I'm currently suffering a kindergarten dilemna (and yes, I'll post about it soon as I get more clarity in my own thoughts).
Thanks! And keep your chin up; man, you make me tired just reading what you're up to!
I'm so glad that the tonsil surgery went well. I've been thinking about it for a number of weeks.
Gosh, but Gracie looks so adorable! Those are 3 B E A Utiful young ladies.
You made me smile when you were talking about Gracie writing all over the walls. I remember that so well.
Good luck with the remainder of school.
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