Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Blog Post that isn't

I have a lot to blog about! But, time is fleeting so I'm not going to - not just yet. I'm just letting you all know that it's coming, just as soon as I have my head together enough to spit out all of my stories.

I'll update you on the "Mama Wants Her Body Back" diet. So far, it's not getting stellar reviews from me, but maybe I'll adjust.

I'm sewing Snow White dresses - I'll tell you all about my adventures with the serger. Um, I'm learning!

Tomorrow we are going to Disneyland! Yay! And the weather will be cooler. It was 109 two days last week, over 100 every day. Tomorrow its only supposed to be 85 for the high and this morning the cool air feels so wonderful! Only 78 outside right now.

Libby's first birthday is tomorrow, the 30th. We're having her party (just us) on Friday.

My dog is almost out of thyroid pills, remind me to call the vet would ya?

Gracie has been saying some really funny things lately. The kind of things that make you stop and laugh and appreciate the innocence and wonder of a child. She's just a hoot!

I went to the DMV and spent an afternoon. Oh Lordy, have I got another DMV adventure to tell you about! That place is a looney bin for sure!

My husband remembered his keys yesterday and today! The signs are still up and they are working! Aren't I a good wife?

I've had some cell phone issues. I ended up getting a new phone, but its the same piece of crap as the old one. Can't wait for my contract to be up so I can upgrade my hardware. Next time, I'm getting the top of the line!

Spent an afternoon with Lexie, no rabbit or extra critters came with her this time. But she did dance in Gracie's ballet class. Can't wait to upload my pictures!

I planned and canceled a trip to Napa.

See, I have lots to tell you, but I don't have much extra time to sort it all out and type it up. Just a teaser for today! Now it's back to my sewing room to finish those dresses for tomorrow! I'm excited that the girls will look so cute at Disneyland!

1 comment:

Wolfpak5 said...

Enjoy yourselves in Disneyland tomorrow, especially with cooler temps. Can't wait to hear about your day with Lexie or the DMV too.